Clearing the IP domain name information after remote desktop connection

Friends of the common remote desktop connection will find that the remote desktop connection records the remote IP or domain name of the successful connection every time, and displays the information in the drop-down menu of the connection address input box. This of course provides convenience for the use of remote desktop connections, but it also increases security risks invisibly. Here's how to delete these records. First run regedit, open the registry, find the key value on the right side of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Terminal Server Client\\Default to record the IP or domain name. In addition, the last connected IP or domain name will still be displayed on the connection target input box of the remote desktop connection. This information is stored in the “Default.rdp” file under "My Documents". In addition, you can set the permissions of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Terminal Server Client\\Default key value to be unrewriteable. The same is true for Default.rdp, so that the remote desktop connection will not record your login information.
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