Compile vim to solve Chinese support


Recently started to abandon Ubuntu toss CentOS 5.3 (note: no intention to provoke OS dispute), whenever you change an OS, the first configuration is VIM.

After previous compilation experience in MacOSX, direct trilogy

./configue && sudo make && sudo make install

Solved . However, after CentOS, it was found that Chinese is not supported anyway.

After reading through the document and searching Google, I found that the problem appeared in the compilation. Vim support for Chinese requires 2 basic features: multi_byte and iconv.

Entering in vim :version finds that these 2 features are – multi_byte and – iconv. It seems that the parameters are not configured correctly when compiling.

Therefore re-execute the following code

./configure –prefix=/usr –with-features=hugesudo makesudo make install

The problem is solved.

Additional vim configuration file from the first line (I am a unified unicode), plus

set enc=utf-8set tenc=utf-8set fenc=utf-8set fencs= Utf-8, usc-bom

In fact, the whole problem is very simple. But I found that the data in the search engine was not found through intuitive keywords. So here's the next record, I hope to help my friends in the future

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