Method of setting port mapping and reverse proxy in Apache server


httpd.conf file###new add for webui.cong### Include "E:/local/Wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.2.17/conf/webui_port.conf" Include "E:/local /Wamp/bin/apache/Apache2.2.17/conf/webui_proxy.conf" webui_port.conf file

#proxylocal port mapping

DocumentRoot "E:/www/yingshe/" Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride all Order Deny, Allow Deny from all Allow from all DirectoryIndex index.php </VirtualHost> ProxyPass /yingshe /yingshe 8080/<proxy> AllowOverride None Order Deny, Allow Allow from all </proxy>

webui_proxy.conf file #proxyremote response agent

Listen 8002 <VirtualHost *:8002> SSLProxyEngine on ProxyRequests on ProxyPass / /<proxy> AllowOverride NoneOrder Deny, Allow Allow from all </proxy> </VirtualHost>

Summary #Apache mod_proxy does reverse proxy ## To do more support, please open the following corresponding module ##proxy_module ##reverse Proxy module ##proxy_http_module ##reverse proxy http protocol module ##Rewrite_module ##address rewriting ##ssl_module ##sslprotocol module #################### ########################################################################################################## ############################################################################ ###

Listen 443 <VirtualHost *:443> ProxyRequests On # declare ssl proxy engine SSLProxyEngine on # here declare proxy URL conversion processing # Note that you need to use the domain name, otherwise the certificate, user page URL will Problem ProxyPass /https://www.×××.com/ProxyPassReverse /https://www.×××.com/#本项目名称/https://www.×× ;×.com/Proxy for /with directory access, session will be lost, need to configure the following information ProxyPassReverseCook iePath /https://www.×××.com /</VirtualHost> ########################################## ######################################################################################################## ############################################################################ ####### Listen 80 <VirtualHost *:80> ProxyRequests On ProxyPass /http://www.×××.com/ProxyPassReverse /http://www.×××. Com/ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /https://www.×××.com /<proxy https://www.×××.com> AllowOverride None Order Deny,Allow Allow from all </proxy> ; </VirtualHost> ######################################################################## Http://www.http://www.facebook ################################### Listen 8002 <VirtualHost *:8002> ProxyRequests On # declare ssl proxy engine SSLProxyEngine on # here declare Proxy URL conversion processing # Note the need to use the domain name Otherwise, there will be a problem with the URL of the certificate and user page. ProxyPass /https://www.×××.com/ProxyPassReverse /https://www.×××.com/#本项目名称/https://www.×××.com/The agent is /with directory access, the session will be lost, you need to configure the following information ProxyPassReverseCookiePath /https://www.×××.com /< Proxy https://www.×××.com> AllowOverride None Order Deny, Allow Allow from all </proxy> </VirtualHost>

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