Simple Linux Internet Cafe Movie Server


Linux movie server has the characteristics of convenient and stable management. Only know that: administrator account and password can be logged in to the background to write, ordinary users only have read permission... In addition, he is better than windows system. The anti-infective ability of the virus is much stronger!!!

The software selected is Linux 9. First, we assume the hardware configuration of a server:

Motherboard: Intel 845GV


Memory: 512M

Hard Disk: 4200G


Graphics Card: Integration....

First, the disk array:

If the hard disk is RAID 0, it is the simplest array mode. Although the data security is not very good, the speed is the fastest. The space is the largest..

1. First of all, because the motherboard has only 4 IDE ports, so connect the CD-ROM drive to the [slave port] of IDE 2, and pay attention to it!!! If you can hang another hard disk in the future, it will not start up;

2, set CMOS to drive the CD-ROM, if you want to use the window to install: directly hit the car, otherwise run TEXT ........... .

3, the installation window appears,

4, the installation process here mainly talk about the partition (choose manual partition)

Linux minimum partition:

a. /root partition;

b./boot boot partition;

c.sawp swap partition

Capacity: /(root partition): 3000 /boot 1000 sawp 3000

Create a soft RAID:

a. Press F2, press TAB, first switch to partition type: select: linux RAID.... Press TAB to select hard disk: HDA

Capacity setting: Maximum can be used.... OK

b. Press F2, press TAB, switch to partition type: select: linux RAID.... Press TAB to select hard disk: HDB< Br>

Capacity setting: Maximum can be used.... OK

c. Press F2, press TAB, switch to partition type: select: linux RAID.... Press TAB to select hard disk : HDC

Capacity setting: Maximum can be used.... OK

d. Three hard disk partitions are completed, select the [RAID] button below,

[ ,null,null,3],Hanging point]: /HOME ==== " /home generally used to store user files;

e. [OK] Installation.................. .... .

5, other installations slightly, remind everyone to pay attention: Installation method selection [customized] movie server generally only need to install a few. For example: samba/FTP/WINDOWS files/web server/... ................................

6. Installation is complete (assumed : Movie Server IP:

7. Log in with ROOT

8. Run: setup

9. [system services] Select: smb tick, exit , indicates that the samba service is added when starting up.

10, # init 0 (power off the system) Shutdown (turn off the CD-ROM drive after shutdown, connect the fourth hard disk) Boot

11. Root login, hang the fourth hard disk: FDisk /dev/hdd and then select 1, then select d to delete the current partition, n establish the first partition, enter P, 1, 1, the largest volume number.... Then select T, select the partition type, select: FD, W save exit, partition end to format the fourth hard disk: mkfs.ext3 -c /dev/hdd1 Formatting slow and patient waiting.....

After partitioning/formatting, first create a mounted directory under /home /For example: Game Enter the command: Mkdir /home/Game Mount the fourth hard drive to /home/Game and enter: mount -t ext3 /dev/hdd1 /home/Game

12. Just look for a computer and test the server. Is it possible to ping (also find a computer ping

13. Test the computer server (normally you should be prompted to enter the account number and password.)

Linux configuration commands are very complicated. . . . How can I make it easy for beginners to use to build a movie server? ? ? ? ? There are methods, but you must learn to use two tools: [putty] and [WinSCP2] (Linux has the disadvantage of inconvenient operation, these two software can be very convenient to remotely configure Linux parameters through another computer) Must master!!!!

[putty] Remote login to control Linux host;

[WinSCP2] Remote login control, transfer files is very easy to use.......... ..

15, samba is a tool for Linux and Windows file sharing, configuration commands are a lot of trouble, his configuration file is located at: /etc/samba/smb.conf We only need to configure smb.conf, computer The server is finished...

16. One command is not realistic. I provided you with a sample file of smb.conf (Internet Cafe Movie Server) in [Attachment]. Use [WinSCP2] to import and overwrite the original file, and you can use it if you change it. . . .

17, here to talk about the shared directory, Linux to share the directory, we must first establish the shared directory, just like the fourth hard disk above. For example, you want to share a Mov directory For future use, we can enter: #mkdir /home/Mov (note the case) ..................... Also want to share other directories, Continue to build here........... The role is to prepare for the following smb.conf configuration file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

18. If the import is successful, please execute the following command: You can also set the following commands via [putty] remotely.

a. First, create a new user group through groupadd [user group]: Example: #groupadd Jingcai

b. Create an account in the new user group #useradd wangli -g jingcai

c. Set the smb password for the newly created account #smbpasswd -a wangli

d , #chmod -R +755 /home Set home as writable permissions

e, #chown -R wangli:jingcai /home Give account wangli attached to write permission

===== ================== Speaking of this, the movie server is set to base Finish!!!!

Let's talk about some of the contents of the smb.conf file, I give you the smb.conf example:

[Movserver] shared display name ---- - "This is the background -----

read list = wangli Only wangli can read the directory

valid users = wangli,@jingcai

This directory is only for wangli users and Jingcai group can manage

writable = yes

path = /home/path to location

write list = wangli only wangli can write

public = yes

[Mov] Shared Directory Name

read list = nobody guest can access

valid users = nobody,@nobody

writable = yes

path = /home/mov

write list = mov

public = yes

msdfs root = yes

[music ]

read list = nobody

valid users = nobody,@nobody

writable = yes

path = /home/music

write list =music

public = yes

msdfs root = Yes

Please pay attention to it: The directory that must be shared must correspond to a directory (created by itself under /home). For example, smb.conf shares a [game]. The specified path is: /home/Game (this directory needs you to manually create) The background management directory is: Movserver

Configure common commands and file references

1, /etc/raidtab RAID configuration file;

2, /etc/samba/smb.conf samba configuration file; his location in the /etc/samba directory

3. Restart and shut down samba: /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb Restart (restart)

/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb stop(close)

4. Partition command: fdisk /dev/hdd (HDD agent fourth hard disk,

The hard disk is identified in linux as: hda first hard disk, hdb second hard disk)

Also note that /hda1 represents the first partition of the first hard disk, hdc4 represents the third block The fourth partition of the hard disk

5. Format command: mkfs

6. Create user and group commands: Groupadd [group name] Useradd [user name]

7 , set the Samba password to the account Smbp Asswd -a [username]

8. Create directory command: Mkdir For example, Mkdir /home/123

9. Restart command: REBOOT

10. Shutdown command: INIT 0

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