WiFi sharing master how to use MentoHUST to crack Inode campus network multi-network card limit

iNode campus client limit to open multiple network cards, so students can not share WiFi hotspots, mobile phones and pads can not connect to wifi free Internet access, many students want to know how to crack inode campus client multi-network card restrictions, wifi hotspot sharing, wifi below Sharing Master Xiaobian comes to everyone how to use MentoHUST to crack the Inode campus network multi-network card restrictions, solve the WiFi sharing problem, do not let Ma Ma worry about my traffic! At present, the wifi sharing master can already enter the wifi share in the inode campus client. There is no need to perform any crack on the inode campus client. If some students have problems in use, they can add group 374499707 to find technical personnel for help. How to use MentoHUST to crack the Inode campus network multi-network card restrictions 1, first download MentoHUSTTool: pan.baidu.com/s/1o6lWSGU and then install the Wincap4.1.3 inside the installation package, otherwise RP-Client_20131031 will not run. 2. After installation, ensure that your inode has completely quit, then run RP-Client_20131031,
3, click “Set”, enter your account password, the last column is filled in IP address, you can Do not fill!
4, and then to the "parameter settings", the authentication method is set as shown below: carefully select "iNode", DHCP mode select "after authentication", multicast address selection "standard" & rdquo;, Click the “…” button on the right of iNode.vif, select the iNode.vif file of the iNode installation folder from the pop-up dialog box, click Open, and confirm:
5, select account, network card, click authentication, complete After the authentication, you can start the wifi sharing master to share the wifi hotspot. WiFi sharing master official latest version download: http://www.xp85.com/html/WiFiGXDS.html WiFi sharing master official campus version download: http://www.xp85.com/html/WiFi_School.html WiFi sharing master Chinese green version Download: http://www.xp85.com/html/WiFigongxiangdashinoda.html
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