How to play the standard dash?


Writing an article is to use a dash. It is customary to play the second key on the left side of Shift+Backspace, but it is “——” Not a standard dash? Because the standard dash is not broken in the middle. The reason is that the input method of our choice uses the second key on the left side of Shift+Backspace, “Shift+Backspace, the middle of the dash is broken, but if it is changed to “Times New Roman” It is the standard dash.

Actually, this is a visual difference on our display. Different fonts, different font sizes, will be found on the display, and the middle will be disconnected for a while, and then connected again.

“Shift+Backspace The second key on the left side is the standard dash, just print the article out.

45it small note: Q: What is the second key on the left side of the backspace? A: The right side of the number 0

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