How does Win10 disable the camera? How to turn off the camera in Win10 system


Each laptop has a camera that is unique to the TA. The camera is positioned just right on the user's face. If the computer turns on the camera without the user knowing it, it may reveal the user's privacy. All are operated by disabling the driver. How does Win10 disable the camera? Please see below.

How does Win10 disable the camera?

1. In the Win10 system, press the keyboard <;Win+X” key combination (Windows button in the middle left corner of the keyboard Ctrl and Alt button) select "Device Manager"; br>

2, the interface appears to find & ldquo; imaging device & rdquo ;, then right select & ldquo; disable & rdquo ;;

3, then select & ldquo in the window that pops up; is & rdquo ;;

4, after the disabled, the camera driver Lenovo EasyCamera top with a black arrow, you can let the camera fails.

The same method can also be used on devices such as optical drives and removable disks. If you want to use it later, just go back to the device manager and enable the camera driver.

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