WinXP upgrade Win7 installation failure how to solve? U disk loading system failure reason analysis


Many users will install the operating system themselves, but the installation of the operating system will cause Win7 installation failure due to various errors, not so smooth, I have some reasons for system installation failure, users can check XP upgrade Or the reason why the U disk system failed.

loading system failure reason:

1, compatibility issues:

Some computers too old, the hardware on the computer does not support win7, this time installed There will be an error. This is no way, only change the computer. But it rarely happens.

2, the installation file problem:

Some website installation system files are not complete, or there is a problem when downloading. At this time, there will be failures during the installation process. It is recommended to download the system files in a better place. This will not happen with this problem.

3, insufficient space:

Installing win7 requires a minimum of 512MB of memory and about 25GB of hard disk space. If it is less than this, it will not win4.

4, the installation suddenly stops halfway:

At this time you can try to reinstall, if there is such a problem, then you have to write down the wrong garbled, then go to Microsoft What is wrong under the query.

Win7 system can not be successfully installed factors not only the Win7 system itself, this and the hardware, or the installation of the system at the same time the user also performs other operations in the system, the user must successfully complete the installation of win7 system as soon as possible Find the reasons that hinder the installation of the Win7 system.

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