Win7 Notepad adds underlined tips


Many users' use of Notepad is limited to basic understanding. In fact, there are many functions in Notepad that are not known to users. If the notebook is also underlined, the following small series will teach you to add underline to the Win7 system notebook.

1. Press and hold the Win+R key on the keyboard, and then start the dialog window. Type regedit in the Run box and click the OK button. You can open the Registry Editor.

2, and then in the Registry Editor, expand HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Software \\ microsoft \\ notepad.

3, then find ifunderline, right on the right side of the Registry Editor, click the item and choose to modify the pop-up menu.

4, the value data is set to 1, if you set to 0 indicates that no underlined. This can be set freely by you and you can complete the settings.

These are the methods to underscore Win7 system notepad added, according to the above operation is complete, open Notepad, you can see the documentation underlined.

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