How to disable the control panel to ensure computer security

        How to disable the control panel to ensure computer security

when they leave your computer, others in order to prevent misuse of your computer system is causing the problem, we can disable the control panel to ensure computer security, this article describes two methods to disable control panel.


1, first click on the lower left corner of the "Start" menu, click "Run."

2, open the input box, type regedit, and press OK.


4, launched HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicIEsExplorer.

5, DWord new value in the right window.

6, named NoSetFolders, double-click to open an editing numerical data. (1 disable control panel, allowing the use of 0 indicates control panel.)

Method Two

1, click on the Start menu, click operation, input regedit, OK.

2, enter the following registry Code:



"NoSetFolders" = dWord: 00000001

3, then click "File - Save As", select the path and enter the file name "Disable Control Panel.reg", click Save.

4, double-click the registry file, there are suggested de facto "Yes"
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