Master must know the 70 basic skills of Windows 7 (3)

        21. Searching for web pages on your desktop

Win7 allows you to find online resources through an additional free download interface. For example, log in to to download the flicker interface. After that, you should see Flicker Search in your search folder and you will be able to search on your desktop without opening the page.

22. Adding a video to the Start menu

If you have sought a faster way to find your video, Win7 now gives you an answer. Right-click on Start--Properties--Start Menu--Customize and then set the video to "Show as Link".

23. Switching between different monitors

If you use two or more monitors at the same time, you may want to move the window from one to the other. There is a very simple way to implement it. All you have to do is press WIN+SHIFT+left or right, depending on which display you want to move to.

24. Develop a power button

If you rarely turn off your computer, but you will restart it from time to time or let it sleep, then here you have a choice to use other behaviors. To replace your shutdown button. Right click on the Start--Properties--Power button action and you will be free to choose among the given options.

25. Easily add new fonts

Adding a new font now is easier than ever. Just download the font you need, double click on it and you will see the install button.

26. Vertical Stretch Window

You can use WIN+SHIFT+ to maximize the vertical stretch of your current window. WIN+shift+ can restore it.

27. Open Windows Explorer

Press WIN+E to open a new Windows Explorer

28. Create a new taskbar with the first icon Process

Press WIN+1 to open the first icon on a new taskbar. This feature is really useful in some situations.

29. Action Center

Windows Action will give you important information about your computer, such as anti-virus status, upgrades, troubleshooting, and a scheduled backup feature. Control Panel--System and Security--Action Center

30. Fault Discovery Platform

This platform can help you solve many problems you may encounter, such as network connection, hardware devices, The system slows down and so on. You can choose the problem you want to diagnose. He will give you some explanations about these problems at the same time. They really help you. This provides a lot of feasible options, instructions and information, so try to enter "troubleshoot" after pressing win. Or "fix".

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