Win8 restore ClearType settings skills


Using the Win8 system ClearType Many people are not used to its interface, so it will adjust some of its settings. But after the adjustment is not as good as not adjusting, the solution is to restore to the original settings, that is to reset Win8 ClearType. This article will introduce the techniques of Win8 to restore ClearType settings.

To do

1. Go to the registry HKCU \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Avalon.Graphics, below, there are a few monitors generally will have a number of keys, Named DISPLAY1, DISPLAY2, …, DISPLAYn. All we need to do is click on each of the DISPLAYx keys and delete all the keys on the right side (except the default & rdquo; except). ClearType tuning is not normally carried out the way it should be this:

2. Go to the registry HKCU \\ Control Panel \\ Desktop, below, beginning with FontSmoothing find four keys, are set to 2,0,1,2 can be.

3. currently logged on user logoff, log on again and restore the settings, adjusting ClearType tuner made through the system reset to the default state.

The above is the whole story of Win8's ability to restore ClearType settings. Although Win8 ClearType does not look comfortable, it will be used as long as it is used for a long time.

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