Cleverly put Win10 "control panel, this computer, recycle bin, network, user folder" solid


Fix the program or folder to the Win10 taskbar and it will be convenient when opened. The Microsoft Chief has already shared the tips for pinning folders to the Win10 taskbar. Can you put the Control Panel, the Computer
, Recycle Bin, Network, User Folder on the Win10 desktop? Also fixed to the taskbar? Only can't think of it, can't do it, the following Microsoft Chieftain teaches you how to fix the "Control Panel, this Computer
, Recycle Bin, Network, User Folder" to the Win10 taskbar:

Show the effect of the fix first. Figure:

First, fix the “Control Panel” to the taskbar

Right-click on the “Control Panel” icon and select “Create” Shortcuts”. As shown in the figure:

Then drag the “Control Panel Shortcut” to the taskbar, and the message “Fixed to the taskbar” will be displayed. Figure:

Release the left mouse button and the “Control Panel Shortcut” is fixed to the taskbar.

Second, "This computer" is fixed to the taskbar

Method one:

and the "Control Panel" is fixed to the taskbar. The same way, first create a shortcut to this computer & rdquo;, then drag & ldquo; this computer shortcuts & rdquo; to the taskbar to be fixed to the taskbar.

Method 2:

Refer to the "Tips for Pinning Folders to the Win10 Taskbar" by first fixing the "this computer" to the start screen, and then at the start screen. Right click on this computer & rdquo; select “ fixed to the taskbar & rdquo;

Three, the "network, recycle bin, user folder" fixed to the taskbar

refer to the "fix the folder to the Win10 taskbar skills", first "network" , recycle bin, user folder & rdquo; fixed to the start screen, then right click on the corresponding icon in the start screen, select “ fixed to the taskbar & rdquo;

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