How does Win10 enable administrator mode? Win10 opens the administrator mode method


In the newly installed Windows system, for the security of the system, the administrator mode is turned off by default! Recently, the user of Win10 official version responded, the system will prompt you to need administrator rights when opening files or deleting files in the system! Very annoying, what should I do? In this case, we only need to use the system administrator account to solve it. The following small series will bring you Win10 open administrator mode, let's take a look!


1. Right-click on the Start menu and click on “Control Panel>;

2. Change to "Large icon", click [Administrative Tools] below;

3, double-click to open "Computer Management";

4 On the left side, expand: Local User and Group — User;

5. Double-click on the right side to open “Administrator”, remove the checkmark in front of [Account Disabled], click Apply. And determine;

6, log off the computer;

7, in the login interface, select "Administrator" to log in.

The above is the operation method of the administrator account that win10 system is shared by everyone. Thank you for reading, please pay attention to this website for more content!

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