After the win7 system uninstalls the Thunder video, the reason of the "Audio Information" window will pop up.


win7 system automatically installs Thunder video, click to uninstall, but every day will pop up regularly "Video information", as shown below Every time you have to manually close it, it is very annoying. The problem is caused by the residual files not being deleted after the Thunder video is unloaded. Is there any way to make the “video information” window permanently closed? Of course, there are some methods. Let's take a look at the specific solutions below.

The specific method is as follows:

1, when popping up "Video information", open the task manager will find a process of KKTIP.EXE, end the Process, pop-up window will not be explained by KKTIP, it is Thunder video;

2, C drive directly search KKTIP will find the path C:\\Users\\Public\\Video Legend\\RBC\\Program , so we want to delete the entire video Legend folder under the C:\\Users\\Public\\ path. When deleting, you will find the image prompt, you can't delete it completely;

3, this is because RBCShellExternal64.dll is bound to explorer.exe, so you must first end the explorer.exe process, run cmd, open to the C:\\Users\\Public\\Video Legend\\RBC\\Addins path, type del RBCShellExternal64.dll and don't press Enter. The second step ends the explorer.exe process, the third step returns, and found to be deleted (of course, you can directly end the explorer.exe, and then open the folder to delete directly should be possible, this did not test);

4. Finally, you can directly delete the C:\\Users\\Public\\Video Legend folder.

According to the above settings, win7 system will not pop up "picture information", you can operate smoothly, if you are still troubled by this problem, quickly take this method to solve it.

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