Win7 system click to display the desktop for a short time to appear transparent?



1, use the shortcut key "WIN + R", enter the command in the input field & ldquo; regedit & rdquo; enter key , you can pop up and open the "Registry Editor" window;

2, in the open registry editor window, open the path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\\\ Software \\\\ Microsoft \\\\ Windows \\\\ CurrentVersion \\\\ Explorer \\\\ Advanced option;

3. Select the right window in the open window, right click with the mouse and click New, then enter 〉“DWORD (32-bit) value” The name is set to: DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime;

4. Double-click to open the file “DesktopLivePreviewHoverTime”, then set the hover time of “decimal" to 5 seconds, and write 5000 in the data value box. It is a few thousand to write a few thousand, the value is corresponding;

5, after the setting is completed, save the closed window.

The above is a description of the solution to the transparent problem of Win7 system click to display the desktop for a short time. Friends who have the same problem can try it out.

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