Win10/wp developers can apply for free subscription to Xamarin tools. End of August 31


amarin is a good thing that allows developers to develop applications directly from the C# platform. It can be used to develop iOS, Windows Phone, Android and Mac apps using the same code, which can reduce the time for re-development. Users can perform multi-platform development without frequent replacement of development tools, and can continue to use C# and NET Framwork in Visual Studio.

Xamarin will now offer cross-platform development tools to a small number of developers for free, announcing that high-quality Windows Phone/Win10 developers can sign up for applications until August 31st.

Xamarin subscriptions include extensions to the Visual Studio suite, the company claims:

“If you are an independent developer of Windows Phone and have not used C# for native, cross-platform Mobile development is now a great opportunity. ” For any Windows Phone developer, only a Xamarin subscription is available. In other words, Xamarin is primarily intended to support Windows Phone individual developers, not company-style developers.

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