DirectX 12 will be released in the official version of Win10, Win7 is not available?


Computer Store News: This year, Microsoft introduced a new DirectX 12 specification that optimizes the underlying layer and leverages multiple cores. DX12 can reduce CPU power by 50% while increasing game frames by 70%. . But AMD chief game scientist Richard Huddy pointed out that DX12 will not support Win7.

Just after Richard Huddy’s announcement that DX12 does not support Windows 7, AMD officially gave a different statement:

“ Recently there have been reports that Richard Huddy supports Windows system version for DX12. He commented, but he was unable to speak on behalf of Microsoft, and, unfortunately, he made an inference based on Microsoft's existing news and the life cycle of Win7. Richard has no special channels to get Microsoft Windows or DirectX related planning information. Everything depends on Microsoft's decision. As a Microsoft partner, we will continue to work with Microsoft on DirectX 12. "Microsoft has confirmed that DirectX 12 will be released in the official version of Windows 10 in 2015. Although AMD claims that Richard Huddy's remarks are only speculation, Microsoft may still decide to make DX12 bypass Win7 and directly support relative Higher versions of Win8/Win8.1 and Win10.

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