How to remove the desktop icon with shadow? Teach you to solve it easily (1)

"How do you remove the shadow of the desktop icon?" It is often asked by some novices that this problem is sometimes the same problem, but it is necessary to be asked by the same person. Second, I feel really helpless.

People are always curious. In the process of using computers, novice children’s shoes always like to toss according to their own wishes, and sometimes they will toss out some minor problems, such as desktop icons. After an inadvertent setup, it will be completely different. The desktop icon has a shadow, the desktop icon has a white background is one of them, then how to remove the desktop icon with a shadow?

Since it is caused by accidental settings or system default settings, it is natural to solve this problem by setting. First of all, let's first look at the difference between the two effects, as shown in Figure 1, Figure 2.

Figure 1 Figure 2 desktop icons desktop icons without shadow shadow

remove desktop icons shadow, is actually very simple, for the old bird, eyes closed settings can be found, but for For the novice who has just played the computer for a long time, even if he is told step by step, it is estimated that it is difficult to find where the setting item is. Let's take a look at the situation under the Win7 system as an example to see how to set it up.

Right click on the desktop "Computer" icon and select "Properties", as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Computer Properties

Then, in the pop-up properties dialog box, select "Advanced System Settings", as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 System Properties
Down, in the system properties window, select the "Advanced" tab, in fact, the "Advanced" tab has been selected in the previous step, no need to do This step. Click "Settings" directly, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5 System Advanced Settings
Then the last step is the most important step. After clicking “Settings”, you will enter the “Performance Options” dialog box and select the “Visual Effects” column. In the numerous effects, find the "Use shadows for icon labels on the desktop" option, as shown in Figure 6, remove the front "√", click "OK" to complete.

Figure 6 Performance Options

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