How to configure Tmux in Linux system?


In Linux systems, you want to combine multiple low-speed signals into one high-speed signal or decompose a high-speed signal into multiple low-speed signals. It can be implemented with a terminal multiplexer. The use of tmux in Linux is recognized as a way to improve the efficiency of terminal operations. This article will teach you how to configure Tmux in Linux system?

Linux configuration Tmux

unbind Cb

set -g prefix Ca

setw -g mode-keys vi

# split window like vim

# vim‘s defination of a horizontal/vertical split is revised from tumx’s

bind s split-window -h

bind v split -window -v

# move arount panes wiht hjkl, as one would in vim after Cw

bind h select-pane -L

bind j select-pane -D

bind k select-pane -U

bind l select-pane -R

# resize panes like vim

# feel free to change the &ldquo ;1” to however many lines you want to resize by,

# only one at a time can be slow

bind " resize-pane -L 10

bind 》 Resize-pane -R 10

bind - resize-pane -D 10

bind + resize-pane -U 10

# bind : to command-prompt like vim< Br>

# this is the default in tmux already

Bind : command-prompt

The above is the step of configuring Tmux in Linux system. You can configure Tmux automatically by executing the above code in order on the command line.

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