How to modify the Linux MAC address in the VMware virtual machine


The biggest advantage of using Windows is that it is fully functional and convenient, but the security is low. The biggest advantage of using linux system is professional, and high security! The biggest difference between windows and linux security is the way MAC addresses are modified. It is very easy to modify under Windows system, and it is complicated in Linux mode. The main introduction of this article is the way to modify the Linux MAC address in the VMware virtual machine, so that users can understand the Linux system! Here are three ways to modify the Linux MAC address in a VMware virtual machine.

Method one:

Modify the virtual machine's *.vmx file, this method is the most recommended, because it is similar to the "burn" & rdquo; VMware virtual machine " Physical NIC ROM”. The method is:

There are two cases:



ethernet0.Address=“ 00:50:56:0A:0B:0C”

“static”The MAC of the VM's "physical NIC" is statically set. You can change it to another one that starts with 005056. MAC can be. If you are asked to SSID when you start the VM, select “KeepAlways”.




uuid.bios= <;564ded23138c9691-7c68b2098baabbcc”


“generated” Description VM's "physical NIC" The MAC is dynamically set by the system. You can change the last six digits of uuid.bios and the last six digits of ethernet0.generatedAddress to the MAC that you want to change to start with 000c29.

Method 2:

This method is the most direct and effective, modify the MAC value of the relevant rc.local file in the Linux system.

Method 3:

Modify the MAC value of the relevant /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file in the Linux system.

vi/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0MACADDR=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:wq Save and exit the above three ways to modify the Linux MAC address in the VMware virtual machine Very simple and easy.

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