How to solve the "IME has been disabled" in the Win10 system taskbar?


Recently, Win10 users have indicated on the computer taskbar that “IME” has been disabled, and the Chinese input method cannot be used in this case. What is going on? In fact, this is because the input method has not been loaded. So how do we solve this problem? The following small series introduces you to the Win10 taskbar prompt "Already disabled IME" solution.

Operation steps:

1. Right click on the Start menu and click on “Computer Management” in the pop-up menu.

2, expand Microsoft /Windows /TextServicesFramework in the Task Scheduler.

3, there will be MsCtrMonitor option in the middle of the list, right MsCtrMonitor choose to start it.

The above is a small series for everyone to introduce Win10 taskbar prompts “ has disabled IME” solution, if you encounter the above situation, you can follow the above steps.

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