Microsoft officially responded to Sophos's claim that Windows7 is unsafe.


According to foreign media reports, Microsoft officially responded to the statement that the latest version of Windows 7 client in the UK's well-known Internet security vendor Sophos is infected with 8/10 epidemic virus. Paul Cooke, director of corporate security at Microsoft's Windows client, said that Sophos' testing and the way it is published are very irrational.

Cook believes: "Although I don't support the practice of selling security products by hyping Windows 7 test results, I agree with their suggestion to install anti-virus software in Windows 7. This is how we provide Microsoft to customers for free. The reason for Security Essentials. However, customers still have to ensure that all software is upgraded through automatic updates, such as through the Windows Update Service. By configuring your computer to download and install automatic updates, this will help ensure that the computer is protected against malware and other security. Vulnerabilities have the highest level of protection."

For Sophos's claim that a net installation of Windows 7 would infect a 8/10 virus sample, Cook explained: "I firmly believe that if your computer is running an unknown code, Then there will be annoying things happening. Sophos test results only show this. However, most users do not intentionally run malware on the system. Malware is usually spread through browsers, emails and other means. Therefore, although anti-virus software is essential for user PCs, Users should also take other protective measures. "

Windows 7 builds on Windows Vista security platform, including the depth of safeguards to protect users from malware impact. Vista's User Account Control (UAC), Kernel Patch Protection, Windows Service Hardening, Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), and Data Execution Prevention (DEP) are also retained in Windows 7. The development of Windows 7 improved these technologies that made Windows Vista the safest Windows system ever.

In addition, Windows 7 also makes it difficult for malware to attack users' computers in the first place. Cook believes that the new SmartScreen feature in IE 8 is one of the most popular new features. SmartScreen is based on IE7's phishing protection technology and incorporates anti-malware capabilities. The SmartScreen filter alerts users to the security of the software, but Sophos tests bypass this security feature.

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