Create a System Recovery Disk for Windows 7


Create a System Repair Disk

Put a blank writable DVD disk into your computer and click on the Backup and Restore Center to create a system repair CD. You can create a system repair disc. When you click, Windows will prompt the dialog of Figure 3. Complete the process by selecting your DVD drive from the drop-down list and clicking on “Create Disk”.

Figure 3: Creating a system repair disc

use the system repair disc

As I said before the system repair disc can be simplified Bare metal recovery. Windows 7 allows you to create a system image as part of the backup process. You can't use your system image without a repair disc, but you don't need to use it after installing Windows. You only need to insert the repair disc into your PC and choose to boot from the disc, so you will see a system recovery options interface, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: System Recovery Options screen

Obviously, this is our most attractive interface system image recovery options. You can choose it when you want to recover from a system image. In the corporate environment, very few people back up personal workstations. When most errors occur, personal workstations are simply re-imaged rather than restored, so other options may be more helpful.

The first option is to start a patch. Click this option and Windows will detect and fix any startup issues that prevent Windows 7 from loading properly.

The second item is the system recovery item. System recovery is characterized by periodic snapshots of the Windows operating system. Snapshots are automatically created before a major change to the operating system, such as installing a service pack. When a problem occurs, you can use a snapshot to roll back the system to a state before the problem occurred. However, when the problem does occur, it is possible to prevent Windows from starting up, so with the system repair CD, you can access the system recovery point without entering Windows.

The above three options do not need to be created before the system repair disc can be used. The system recovery point is the internal mechanism of Windows. The system repair CD only helps you access the system recovery point when your system cannot boot.

The second to last in the System Recovery Options screen is the Windows Memory Diagnostics item. My experience is that when the user finds that the system suddenly has a blue screen of death and the system has not made any changes recently, then most of the problems are caused by memory errors. Having a detection tool that allows you to run outside of the Windows operating system makes it easier to detect memory errors.

The last one is the command prompt option. If you are familiar with DOS commands, you can use the command prompt to access the file system, extract data, or repair the operating system.

Although the system repair disc is primarily used as a way to restore system images, it can also be used to diagnose and repair other problems such as the Windows operating system. The System Repair CD will be especially useful when you don't have a system image or don't want to overwrite your existing system configuration with the previous system image.

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