Win8 system to modify the input method switching order skills


Many people's Win8 system may not only install an input method, the input method will be very troublesome when switching. So put the commonly used input method in front. This article will introduce the Win8 system to modify the input method switching order skills.

Win8 modified input switching order

1. Start Control Panel, open & ldquo; clock, and regional language & rdquo; & rarr; & ldquo; change the input method & rdquo ;, click & ldquo; Add language & rdquo; add a new language & ldquo; English (United States) & rdquo;.

2. Move the “English (United States)> to the top by the “Upshift”/“Downdown” button, then click the “delete” button to default to “ Chinese (People's Republic of China) & rdquo; delete.

3. Next, install a Chinese input method that you like (such as Sogou Pinyin). Of course, it is best to be compatible with Win8 Morden UI, such as the latest version 6.2 of Sogou Pinyin.

4. Re-enter Control Panel →<quo;Language", “Advanced Settings”→“Change Language Bar Hotkey""""" “Change the key sequence”→“Switch keyboard layout”edit to “Ctrl+Shift” and you're done.

The above is the Win8 system to modify the input method switching order skills, so when switching the most commonly used input method, just press Ctrl+Shift. Of course, you can also switch the common input method to the default input method. The specific method can refer to: Win8 default input method change method

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