Win10 computer system will be stuck every time you boot into the desktop, how to solve it?


After the computer has updated the win10 computer system, the computer will be stuck for a while each time the computer is turned on and enter the desktop. Very troublesome, then win10 computer system every time you boot into the desktop will be a card how to solve it? The following small series for everyone to introduce in detail, let's take a look!

Figure Xiaobian win10 system screenshot

1. Principle explains why the computer enters the desktop will be a card?

1.1Why does the win10 computer get stuck for a while every time it enters the computer system? Because the win10 system has added a lot of new functions compared to the previous generation win8/win7 system, it will waste some time when the function is loaded, so the computer will be stuck for a while every time you enter the win10 computer system.

2. How to solve it, what is the solution?

2.1 Find [My Computer] on the computer desktop, double-click [My Computer] to enter the [My Computer] main interface, as shown in the figure

2.2 in [I Computer] Find the [View] tab on the main interface, click the [View] tab to find [Options], and click [Options] to enter [Folder Options], as shown in the figure

2.3 Find [Privacy] in the [Folder Options] interface, and put "ldquo;√” in the parentheses in front of the "Privacy" inside the "Private" option, as shown in the figure

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2.4 After the setting is completed, click [Use] to save the settings. However, it is not excluded that some small partners do not work, then it is recommended that these small partners reinstall the system. I hope to help my friends, O(∩_∩)Ohaha~

The above is the solution for the win10 computer system every time I boot into the desktop, I will learn how to solve it. ? I hope this article can help everyone!

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