Win8 is the second operating system among our users.


Computer store news: Steam: Win8 is the second operating system among our users.

About a year ago, Valve co-founder Gabe Newell said Win8 is a catastrophe in everyone's computer, but from the latest statistics on Valve Steam, 64-bit Windows 8 has occupied the second place in Steam's most popular operating system.

From Steam's July data, 64-bit Windows 8 now accounts for 13.34% of Steam users, up 1.10% from June. 64-bit Windows 8 has even surpassed 32-bit Windows 7, 64-bit Win7 still ranks first, with a share of 52.39%, down 1.16% from last month.

In late July, Newell also said that the release of Win8 caused many OEMs to withdraw from the market, and they also tried to expand Steam by including more Linux games. Game library. However, from the data point of view, Linux users are still relatively small, and Win8's overall acceptance in Steam users is good.

Newell said that Win8 is a huge tragedy, but it seems that more and more Steam users feel that the big tragedy Win8 is not bad.

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