Google+ pushes 18 new features to enhance social capabilities.


According to foreign media reports, Google’s social network Google+ has pushed 18 new features. These new features include photo management, event updates, hangouts, and mobile apps.

The Google+ development team said the update is designed to make sharing and communication more convenient and fun than ever before. ”

Google+ Engineering Director Dave · Dave Besbris explains the new features one by one. The new features are designed to make Google+ more social, with features such as profile editing, improved content publishing tools, and new features for event publishing. These improvements have increased the interactivity of Google+ social networks on mobile platforms such as user smartphones and tablets.

The photo management feature is the focus of this upgrade. Users can store full-size backups of related photos via Google's Instant Upload feature, which provides each user with up to 5GB of free storage. The photo app under Google+ is compatible with mobile platforms, and users can post photos via mobile devices with Android 4.2 operating system.

In addition, Google+ is compatible with GIF animations. In addition, Android users get animated gifts, birthday reminders, and dedicated lock screen widgets through the Google Now feature.

In the Google+ Event feature, users can now send messages to specific objects and see which users have opened their invitations. With Google+, users can send emails or instant messages to invite other users, and invitees can respond instantly.

For the Hangouts video app, Google adjusted its bandwidth requirements. Users can run smoothly with a low bandwidth of 150KB, and the video is larger, making it an easier-to-run video conferencing tool.

Google said that users can download new Google+ apps through the Google App Store today, and other features will be updated in the next few days.

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