Join the Windows Server Core operating system to the domain or exit the domain


1.1.1 Task 5: Join the Windows Server Core operating system to the domain or exit the domain
Open the ProfileServer virtual machine with Windows Server Core installed with the virtual machine. Log in to the ProfileServer virtual machine as an administrator. Enter hostname to see the computer name. Enter netdom renamecomputer FileServer /newname:ProfileServer to change the computer name to ProfileServer. Enter netsh interface ipv4 set address name=” local connection> source=static addr= mask= gateway= Change the IP address, subnet mask and gateway information of the local connection. Enter netsh interface ipv4 set dnsserver “local connection  static primary. Enter shutdown /r /t 0 to reboot the system. Log in to the ProfileServer as a local administrator. ü Add the computer to the domain and enter netdom join %computername% /domain:ESS.COM /userd:administrator /passwordD:a1! /REBoot: Automatically reboot the system after 55 seconds. Parameter UserD, enter the domain user, parameter PasswordD, enter the password of the domain user. ü Exit the computer and enter netdom remove %computername% / /UserD:administrator /PasswordD:a1! /REBoot: Restart after 55 seconds. After the computer joins the domain, the computer account defaults to the computers directory.

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