Windows XP operating system memory performance optimization tips

        There are several options in Windows XP to optimize memory performance. They are all located in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MacHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Memory Management 1. Disable Paging Executive
Under normal circumstances XP will write the in-memory fragments to the hard disk, and we can prevent it from doing so, leaving the data in memory, which improves system performance. It should be noted that users with a lot of memory (more than 256M) can use this setting. The name of this setting is just like its function, called "DisablePagingExecutive". Changing its value from 0 to 1 disables memory paging. 2, improve the system cache
Change the LargeSystemCache key value from 0 to 1, Windows XP will allocate all system memory except 4M to the file system cache, which means that the XP kernel can run in memory, Greatly increase the speed of the system. The remaining 4M of memory is used for disk caching. XP will allocate more when needed under certain conditions. In general, this optimization will result in a considerable increase in system performance, but it may also degrade some applications. As mentioned before, you must have more than 256M of memory to activate LargeSystemCache, otherwise don't move it. 3, input /output performance
This optimization is only meaningful to the server user - it can improve the performance of the system for large-capacity file transfer. By default, this key does not exist in the registry. You must create a DWord (double-byte value) key, named IOPageLockLimit. Most people use this optimization to find the best performance between 8 and 16 Mbytes. What value can be set, you can set it to see which value can get the best performance. Remember that this value is calculated in bytes, so if you want to allocate 12M, it is 12 * 1024 * 1024, which is 12582912. As with the previous memory optimization, it is only necessary to change the value when your memory is larger than 256M.
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