Hide your account in serv-u


First make sure that SERV-U is installed and running correctly.

There is a SERV-U extension library, which must be installed on the SERV-U3.0 version!

This package contains a total of 4 files




readme.txt < Br>

where myservu.mdb is used to store the account number and password (no encryption).

webservu.ini saves some configuration information


//The following is the content of webservu.ini







where homeDir=d:\\mydoc\\ indicates the root directory of your FTP. If you have a new account abc, then the main

directory of the account abc is d:\\mydoc\\abc, you have to make sure d:\\mydoc\\abc exists, otherwise it will not be accessible. Note that the \\ behind the home directory cannot be


dbFile=myservu.mdb defines the file name of the account database. You can copy it to another directory, but you must include the

directory name. For example, dbFile=e:\\mydoc\\ser.mdb. The program also does not detect if the file exists. If the database file and

myservu.dll are in the same directory, you do not need to include the path!

logfile=on means to log in the login information. If not, change on to off.

How to make serv-u load myservu, dll?

First of all, to ensure that serv-u can run, find the ServUDaemon.ini file in the serv-u installation directory




If webseru.dll is placed in the serv-u installation directory, you can do not use the path. Directly use the file name

For example: ClientCheckDLL1=webseru.dll

After saving, restart serv-u

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