Resolve network failure error code "651" under Windows 7


When many users use the network broadband connection, the network error occurs with the error code "651" when the network broadband connection is made under Windows 7, "651" occurs. There are many reasons for network failure. The following is a method to solve the network failure of error code "651". It is expected that the user will encounter a network failure of "651" and can be solved well.

Replace the system file to solve the network fault of "651"

The raspppoe.sys file in the c:\\windows\\system32\\drivers directory from the system can be normal. Copy one in the dial-up Vista system, if you can't find it, you can download this directly.

File permissions to resolve the "651" network failure

Is the C:\\Windows\\System32\\LogFiles\\WMI directory in the system to give administrator privileges in the WMI folder Right click and click "Get Administrator". If not, just double click.

Update the driver of the network card to solve the network failure of "651"

Because Win7 is a relatively new system, it is difficult to achieve compatibility test like XP. Some people provide the method of uninstalling the network card in the "Device Manager", and then restarting the computer. After startup, win7 will automatically install the built-in driver. Someone used this method to solve the problem.

The "651" network broadband failure may be more common in Windows 7, if it is not, replace it with Windows XP system!

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