Install XP SP2 Important Updates Beware of ICMP Attacks


Source: YORK Network

Install updates to prevent Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) packets from being accidentally dropped, even if you have configured Windows Firewall.

Symptom: The system is Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 (SP2), and unexpected packet loss occurs at the end of the tunnel mode Internet Protocol security (IPSec) line. This symptom occurs when Windows Firewall is turned on. Even if you have configured in the Windows Firewall to allow ICMP packets to pass.

Cause: The problem occurred mainly because of the Tcpip.sys file.

Windows XP update program (KB889527) update address: Click to enter the page, you need to verify before installation, you need to restart after installation.

Supplement: What is ICMP? Protocol, ICMP is an abbreviation of "Internet Control Message Protocol". It is a sub-protocol of the TCP/IP protocol suite for passing control messages between IP hosts and routers. The control packet refers to the network itself, such as the network is unreachable, the host is reachable, and the route is available. Although these control messages do not transmit user data, they play an important role in the transmission of user data. The Ping command we often use in the network, the process is actually the process of working with the ICMP protocol. Similar and there is a route tracking command "Tracert" command.

The security update for this protocol is provided separately because ICMP vulnerabilities are very dangerous in computer systems. If exploited to form an attack, it will cause huge losses, so I am especially reminded to install Windows XP Professional Service. Pack 2 users pay attention to strengthen awareness!!

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